

Colorpuncture and Sonopuncture – Light & Sound Therapies

“Sound is the medicine of the future.” – Edgar Cayce

Everything in the universe is in vibratory motion creating sound.  Sound travels through the ear’s inner cochlea, replicating the spiral galaxy, strands of DNA and nautilus shell.  The body is another way of hearing, as a conductor of sound.  Sound travels  4 times faster in water than air.  With the human body being almost 80% water, it is the ideal conductor of sound. 

Acutonics® utilizes tuning forks as conduits, to transmit healing vibrations from the cosmos to the body.  The tuning forks are attuned to our Solar System Harmonics as frequencies of the Earth, Moon, Sun and Planets. Specifically, they can be applied to the Acupuncture or trigger points, used as portals to the inner matrix of meridian pathways or core energetic system.  The underlying vision of Acutonics® is based on the ancient principle of holism, all parts contain the whole.  In short, each human body is a miniature universe.  Creating resonances to the galactic macrocosm can bring harmony and healing to the microcosm.   

“As Above, so Below; As Without, so Within.”

Tuning Forks

The tuning forks are attuned to our Solar System Harmonics as frequencies of the Earth, Moon, Sun and Planets (see below.) Specifically, they can be applied to the Acupuncture or chakras (Sonopuncture), used as portals to the inner matrix of meridian pathways or core energetic system. Trudy provides a unique healing service that includes an Astrology Reading, followed by the application of tuning forks, therapeutically applied according to the planetary alignment of your unique birth chart or Blueprint of the Soul.

Colorpuncture or Acu-light

Trudy is a Certified Esogetics Colorpuncture Practitioner.  She trained with Dr. Rosemary Bourne, the co-founder of Colorpuncture, USA.  Her primary focus is using the colored light or acu-light along with Sound therapies, crystals and essential oils.  This is a wonderful opportunity to have acupuncture without needles and experience true Vibrational Medicine. 

Colorpuncture is used for emotional and spiritual issues, as well as pain and other physical disharmonies.  Many people experience profound shifts in consciousness following their first treatment using light and sound.  Colorpuncture is truly the medicine of the future, as we are all becoming aware we are vibrational beings, emanating from magnetic fields that emit certain colors and frequencies.  Using color and light with sound takes a quantum leap with medicine to the resonance of the future…

Colorpuncture originated by the German naturopath, Dr. Peter Mandell, with over 35 years of empirical research. Many ancient cultures, including the Chinese, Eastern Indians, Greeks and Egyptians knew the healing properties of light and color. 

Light is the sum total of all colors, whether visible or invisible.  In East Asian Medicine the 5 elements and their corresponding organs and emotions correspond with certain colors.  Likewise, in Ayurvedic medicine, the 7 chakras match the unique spectral hues.

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