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Astrology Readings – Virtual, Phone or In-Person
$120 one-hour session/$70 for each additional hour

Plus, 2 Hour Virtual Astrology Party for $350
All readings include a copy of the Astrology Chart 


As an integral tool for health and awareness, Astrological data has been utilized since time immemorial. It continues to progress as we learn more and more about our galaxy’s planetary system.  Trudy combines Western, Chinese, and Ayurvedic Astrology for deep and extensive readings.   The astrology chart is read as a Blueprint of the Soul, outlining the Life Purpose. 

This provides a valuable tool for developing self-awareness and guidance.  Astrology helps to make sense of things in your life that are otherwise unclear.  The understanding that comes from an astrology reading can free up many individuals to be focused on their life path with authentic intent.  The Astrological data offers deep insights with these important areas of life: 

Life Purpose


Astrology Services

“As Above, So Below; As Without, so Within.”  -Emerald Tablets

Life Purpose: As the Blueprint of the Soul, the Astrology Chart is an essential tool for guidance to aligning with one’s own life purpose.  The celestial language offers understanding and awareness about how to navigate our strengths and weaknesses to our highest self and path for deep fulfillment.  This service includes cyclical information on the planetary transits over the next year for planning and guidance.

Health: The Astrology Chart can be used as a diagnostic tool for the body, mind and spirit.  Until the onset of modern medicine, Astrology was an integral part of medicine in the eastern and western worlds.    It takes a holistic approach to recognizing deep, emotional root causes, as well as basic constitutional issues.   Trudy draws upon her background in East Asian and Harmonic Medicine to balance health concerns with Astrology.  

Relationships: In this profound service, we interpret the individual astrology charts, as well as the composite relationship chart. This brings an opportunity to elucidate awareness about strengths & weaknesses, that each person brings to the relationship, and guidance to  empower partners synergistically with understanding for a more holistic relationship. 

Astro-Locality: Ever wonder if a move or vacation could affect your destiny?  Astro-locality maps out the angular positions (most powerful locations) of the planets at your birth.  This tool  offers compelling guidance to power points worldwide that can affect your health, career, family/home and relationships and how these locations manifest your planetary energies. 

Ever wonder where the best place is for you to live or find love?

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